Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Leading Parent Partnership Award


We are proud to share with you the news that during November 2021, Snapethope Primary School was awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

LPPA is a nationally recognised award, that school's who work very closely with their families of pupils can achieve.

The school was assessed by an external advisor.

In order to meet the award we had to provide evidence that we had achieved the following;


  • commitment to working towards the LPPA award
  • hold events in school for arents to work jointly with their children (FEET, Inspire, Techno Families etc)
  • regularly evaluate our performance against the LPPA award
  • provide parents with user friendly guidance an information to help them support their learning
  • make and implement plans to acheive and maintain the LPPA award
  • be a welcoming and friendly place for parents
  • produce parents friendly policies to establish effective home-school linkes and improve pupil attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress in school
  • provide a good induction for all parents
  • promote participation in lifelong learning opportunities available in school and in the community to all parents
  • provide good support for transition for parents when children change key stages or leave the school 

Over the next three years we will be analysing our partnership with parents and developing further ways to engage parents within school activities. If you have any questions or requests that you would like the school to think about implementing please feel free to share your ideas with staff.


If you would like to read our report please click the link below


LPPA Renewal Report 2021


LPPA Autumn Term 2024


As part of our work towards the Learning Parent Partnership Award,  we have continued to develop our school links with the wider community and parents, across the Autumn term. We have further continued to communicate with parents through the use of various social media mediums, which have allowed staff and parents to freely communicate with each other in a manner that represents today’s society.


 Events planned for Autumn term were;

  • Open Book Nights
  • Christmas Carol Concerts
  • Reverse Advent to support St George’s Foodbank
  • Christmas performances
  • Choir Christingle Service at St George’s Church

Alongside these events we put into our Autumn Diary the following charity events, for which we have been raising money,


  • Children In Need
  • Save the Children-Christmas Jumper Day 
  • Wakefield Hospice- Reindeer Dash


To further engage with parents, I have ensured that the school website is managed effectively, with a wide range of information, pictures and events being uploaded to alert parents to what has been happening within our local area and school throughout the term. The use of Arbor has also continued, allowing the school to promote local organisations and agencies such as Wakefield Council, St George’s Church, St Georges Community Centre, Turning Point and Mental Health Support, amongst others, many of which can provide help and support to parents, whom may be in need.





LPPA Spring Term 2025


As part of our work towards the Learning Parent Partnership Award,  we will be continuing to develop our school links with the wider community and parents, across the Spring term. We have planned to continue to communicate with parents through the use of various social media mediums, which have allowed staff and parents to freely communicate with each other in a manner that represents today’s society.


 Events planned for Spring term are;

  • Inspire Mornings
  • Young Voices
  • World Book Day
  • Book Fair
  • Easter Disco
  • Parents Evening
  • Parental Curriculum Visit

Alongside these events we put into our Spring diary the following charity events, for which we will be raising money,

  • Red Nose Day