Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Part of our role is to educate our children on how to keep themselves safe, either online, using mobile technology as well as to understand what is considered abuse.

Children, parents and staff are encouraged to report any concerns they may have about safety and welfare to the safeguarding team. Children will be taken seriously if they seek help from a member of staff. Snapethorpe Primary School will endeavour to work in partnership with parents at all times, where appropriate, to inform them of additional support required or accessed for their child.

If you have any concerns relating to any child in our school please contact one of the designated members of the safeguarding team.


Designated Safeguarding Lead - Ms Lewis      Child Protection Safeguarding Officer - Mrs Barker      Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Carr


Other DSL trained staff are also available: Mr Birdsall, Mrs Whittell and Mrs Ranny


At Snapethorpe Primary School, the health, safety and well-being of our pupils is our top priority. All staff, governors and volunteers share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of all pupils and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We strive to ensure that consistent and effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, pupils and staff at school. We are committed to ensuring our pupils are safe, happy and well. Keeping children safe and well whilst they are in school and outside of school too is paramount.

We have robust and rigorous procedures in place to protect children. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms Lewis (Deputy Head Teacher), Mrs PCarr (SENDCo) is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mrs Barker is our Lead Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer. Other members of staff such as Mr Birdsall and members from the Pastoral Team have also had designated safeguarding lead training and are able to deputise when required. Our Governors also monitor safeguarding to ensure that the school is performing its’ duties effectively.

Children are given ample opportunity to share any worries they may have and adults take seriously what they tell us. All school staff are trained in Safeguarding and children are made aware of the adults they can talk to if they have any concerns or worries. Staff are trained to look out for signs of physical/emotional harm, sexual or neglect and are required to report these to a member of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) team.


Click here to view our Safeguarding Policy.

The safety and wellbeing of all pupils is of paramount importance to us. 

If you have any immediate concerns about a child's safety, please call Social Care Direct on 0345 8503503.

Wakefield Young Peoples Charter

We acknowledge and sign up to Wakefield’s Young Peoples Charter and actively promote this across school.

If we have a problem or need your help, we expect that, as adults, you will:

1. Do your best to help us be safe
2. When there are choices about what can be done consider our opinions and respect our wishes
3. Always be ready to listen to us and speak with us
4. Value us and always involve us
5. Treat us with care and respect
6. Be clear about how things work and what we should expect to happen
7. Take what we say seriously
8. Involve the right people, at the right time, when we need it
9. Look after our information and take care how you use it
10. Get to know us and understand our lives

Wakefield Young Peoples Charter

For resources on a wide range of safeguarding topics locally

WSCP – Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership







Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2024

Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK

13 languages available-Part 1.

Early Help

Raising a family can have its difficulties and challenges, but just know that when you need support, there are people and places on hand who can talk to you to find the help you need.

Family Hubs provide a venue and a linked network of local community venues, specialist services and partner organisation so that to you can access early help, meet other local families, take part in activities, and join helpful groups.


Wakefield Families Together

Wakefield Families Together brings services together, so that it’s easier for you to find and access the support you need, at the earliest opportunity.

We want children, young people, and families to tell us they are happy, healthy, and safe. Wakefield Families Together are about working on your behalf so that if you have a concern about your child or family member, you only need to have one conversation with us, and we can direct you to the right support. You can access this support through your child’s school, family hub, or in the local community.

To help us localise how we work with families across the Wakefield district, we have grouped our teams and partner organisations into six community ‘cluster’ areas, with nine family hubs. You can find your local Family Hub on the Wakefield Families Together website here: Family Hubs – Wakefield Families Together


Everyone needs help and support at some point in their life. So, when you do and find it hard to deal with a difficult situation, or have worries around family relationships, behaviour, school attendance, emotional and mental health, domestic abuse, parental conflict, housing issues, or employment and debt problems, Family Hubs can help direct to the right people and services.

Sometimes the concerns you have may need a group of professionals to come together to build a package of support with you and other family members so that we have the right expertise to help the whole family.

Find out more about the Team Around the School model here: The ‘Team Around’ approach – Wakefield Families Together

Website: www.wakefieldfamiliestogether.co.uk

Contact: Wakefieldfamiliestogether@wakefield.gov.uk

TAS - Team Around The School - YouTube / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fry3xTlc6o


Useful Safeguarding Links

Please find below some external websites that provide advice and guidance on a range of safety issues:



Childline is there to give young people a voice when no one else is listening. Whatever problems or dangers they're facing, it is a place for them to turn to for support – any time of day or night. Childline is a free, private and confidential service where children and you people can talk about anything. 

They can be contacted on 0800 1111, or have a range of information, support and tools online.


NSPCC Pants 

Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.  A really useful website to help you start the conversation with your child.



NSPCC Share Aware

A series of 3 animations ‘I saw your willy’, ‘Lucy and the boy’, and ‘Mia’s story’, designed to prompt conversations between adults and children to keep them safe from online abuse. We use these videos in school but they are also ideal to share at home. The section also includes tips on how to start these kinds of conversations.



Night Owls

A new West Yorkshire based overnight listening service for children, young people, and their parents/carers experiencing mental health; call, text or chat.



Get Safe Online

Advice and help about online safety.



 Educate Against Hate

Practical advice for parents, carers, and staff on protecting young people from extremism and radicalism.



Young Minds

Provides young people with reassurance and advice to help them make positive choices for their mental health and know what to do next if they are struggling.


Kooth- Mental Wellbeing

Kooth is an online wellbeing community




CAMHS- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

CAMHS stands for child and adolescent mental health services. They are the NHS service that offers support and treatment for children and young people, aged up to 18 years old, who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing. They also support parents, carers and families of these children and young people too.


Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wakefield CAMHS SPA team: 01977 735865.

Domestic Abuse

Everyone has the right to live a life free from fear, without violence, intimidation or controlling behaviour.

Support is available for people who are experiencing abuse, and also for those who recognise that they are using abusive behaviours and want to make changes.

You can contact Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service on 0800 915 1561.



This school an Operation Encompass school. Where we receive information if police have been called out to a domestic abuse incident and any of our pupils were present.


Online Safety

Filtering and Monitoring:
We take internet safety seriously in school. Our internet usage is subject to filtering (blocking potentially harmful content and/or sites) and monitoring (identifying when a user accesses or searches for certain types of harmful content on school  devices) checks. Our filtering system is provided by Talk Straight Schools Broadband and NetSweeper. Our monitoring systems are provided by Senso.


What we are doing in school:

In an ever-changing world, we prepare our children to access the online world safely.

E-safety lessons are taught in all year-groups (age-appropriate) through the Computing curriculum and children take part in online safety assemblies. The content includes how to deal with strangers online, keeping personal details safe, and what to do about online bullying. 


Tips for staying safe online:
Always be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and help your education – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others. Remember help is always available at school if you are having any problems online. Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or another adult at school.


Make sure you keep new online friends strictly online. If someone you don't know asks to be your online friend you must ensure an adult knows about it.

Understanding online safety is tricky for all ages. NSPCC has advice to help you learn about staying safe online as a family.


Experts answer: “When do you think my child should get their own phone?” - UK Safer Internet Centre

Experts Answer: "How much time should my child be spending on social media?" - UK Safer Internet Centre

Find out how screen time can affect your child development




E Safety Useful Links


Childnet International 

Childnet parents and carers page – information, advice and resources for parents and carers on a wide range of topics affecting children and young people online. They also have excellent resources about how to have a conversation about the online world with your child, how to set up parental controls, create a family agreement and what to do if you are worried about a child.


Common Sense Media

Use the search box at the top to search for a game or app. There will be a Common Sense Media review which includes the information you need to help you make decisions about the suitability of the game for your child. It also has useful parent and child reviews for each game.


Internet Matters

A range of guides, videos and toolkits to help you to keep your child safe online. These include information about key issues that may be affecting children and young people on the internet, and what to do if you’re worried about anything you or your child has seen online.

Report harmful content

Report Harmful Content - We Help You Remove Content



Education for a Connected World



Gaming Advice


Filtering and monitoring;

Appropriate Filtering and Monitoring - UK Safer Internet Centre


Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online

As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online.

You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online. Click on the link to find advice and resources are here to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively.

Find out how screen time can affect your child development
