Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Year  6 

Our classes this year are named after flowers;


Buttercup Class

Mr A Edwards

Mrs Welsby (TA) 


Mrs S Macey,

Mrs D Roberts (TA)



Miss S Proctor

Mrs I Mannion (TA)


Spring 2



This half term Year 6 will be continuing to learn all about developed and developing countries through the Geography theme “Africa—similar or miles apart?” The children will use what they have learnt about two contrasting countries in Africa—including their physical and human features—and to make detailed comparisons (including similarities and differences) between them and the UK.



In RSHE this half term children will continue to learn about  the media and how it influences people during the topic living in the wider world. They will look at how media  can affect wellbeing, including thoughts, feelings and actions. They will also learn about what should and shouldn't be shared online as well as how text and images can be manipulated.



This half term pupils will be learning how to classify living things into broad groups according to observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences  Children will also develop the ability to understand how living things have been classified, giving  reasons for classifying plants and animals in a specific way



In Year 6 children focus on learning  through the question: is it better to express your religion in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?  They will learn about the value of sacred buildings and art as well as why some believed see charity and generosity  as being so important.



Pupils will be creating an African themed sculpture using African Animal wire and paper mache 




Spring 1

Design and Technology

This half term Year 6 will be starting their Design and Technology topic. They will be carrying out some market research before designing and making a loop game. The children will be using their knowledge of electricity from science to create a circuit using a Micro: Bit to control their game.



In art, Year 6 will be completing a collage. The children will be investigating tone, shape and texture to create a mixed media piece.




In RSHE this half term children will continue to learn about  the media and how it influences people during the topic living in the wider world. They will look at how media  can affect wellbeing, including thoughts, feelings and actions. They will also learn about what should and shouldn't be shared online as well as how text and images can be manipulated.



This half term pupils will be learning how to classify living things into broad groups according to observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences  Children will also develop the ability to understand how living things have been classified, giving  reasons for classifying plants and animals in a specific way



In Year 6 children focus on learning  through the question: is it better to express your religion in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?  They will learn about the value of sacred buildings and art as well as why some believed see charity and generosity  as being so important.




During French this half term, children will be learning about the house and home. They will learn rooms, adjectives and prepositions  to describe their ideal home.



Autumn 2 


This half term Year 6 will be learning about Natural resources and Trade. Pupils will be learning about what a settlement needs to develop, how electricity is generated and distributed, alongside where electricity is generated in the UK. Furthermore, pupils will develop their knowledge relating to renewable sources of electricity, where our food comes from and the importance of fair trade.



In art, Year 6 will be studying the artist David Hockney and looking in detail at his landscape paintings.. They will be creating their own landscape painting using his style after learning how to use acrylic paints..



In RSHE this half term children will be learning about Health and Wellbeing and in particular about ‘how we keep fit and healthy as we grow.’ Pupils will learn how to look after their bodies both physically and mentally as well as the importance of sleep, nutrition and exercise.



This half term our topic is electricity. We will be looking at identifying the symbols for electrical components in a circuit, understanding that current is how much electricity is flowing round a circuit and that when current flows through wires heat is released.



In Year 6 children focus on learning about what religions say to us when life gets hard?  Pupils will research how different religions provide support to those in need




Autumn 1 




This half term Year 6 will be learning all about life during World War 2 in their unit on British History. They will learn about when and why is started, find out about the Blitz, rationing, propaganda and how it influenced people; specifically for children during the war. The children are already hooked and can not wait to find out more.



In art, Year 6 will be studying the artist Freda Kahlo and looking in detail at her self portraits. They will be creating their own self portraits using her style after learning how to shade to create depth and tone and make accurate observational drawings.



Pupils will be progressing their  knowledge and understanding of the following: digital writing, digital painting, desktop publishing, digital photography, photo editing, and vector drawing.



In RSHE this half term children will be learning about Health and Wellbeing and in particular about ‘how we keep fit and healthy as we grow.’ Pupils will learn how to look after their bodies both physically and mentally as well as the importance of sleep, nutrition and exercise.



This half term our topic is light. We will be looking at how light travels in straight lines and how we see things through a variety of experiments. We will also look at how our eyes work so that we can see things as well as shadows including what makes them and how the size of them is changed.



In Year 6 children focus on learning about Christians and Humanists through the unit ‘What matters most to Christians and Humanists? The unit enables children to learn in depth from Christianity and from Humanism values, a non-religious way of life.



The half term focuses on aspects of school life and reviewing prior learning.  Pupils prepare a school sketch and revise classroom commands (Y3), saying the date (Y3, Y5) and describing the weather (Y5).  They learn four items of vocabulary relating to classroom objects to be able to say what they have / don’t have in the scenarios. 



