Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Year  5  


Our classes this year are named after flowers;



Mrs N Peacock

Miss L Harrison (TA) Mrs T Wright (TA)



Miss  M Pratt/ Miss C Mills


Mrs E Hope

Miss D Northfield (TA) Mrs J Dyson (TA)


Spring 2



This half term Year 5 will be learning all about the Anglo-Saxons, Scots and Vikings . Within the lessons, they will learn about how the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons

have influenced Britain over time, how punishments were used and why they raided and settled in Britain. The children are already thoroughly enjoying this topic.



This year children will focus on a different artist each half term. This half term pupils will explore the artist Rennie Mackintosh and his famous layered prints.

Children will create their own coloured lino print, with a background, in the style of his work.



In Computing this half term we will be becoming VR designers. We will be using various applications such as Google Street View, Garage Band and

CoSpaces to complete different virtual reality activities.



In RSHE this half term children will be learning about ‘How can drugs, common to everyday life, affect health?” Children will be learning about how drugs can

affect health and wellbeing. 

They will learn that some drugs are legal and some are illegal and look at some of the laws surrounding the usage of drugs.

They will also discuss why people choose to use or not use different drugs.



This half term our topic is ‘Properties and changes in materials’. The children will compare and group everyday materials based on their properties.

They will investigate which materials dissolve in water and how to separate them. They will carry out an experiment to compare thermal insulators and also look at

how materials can be separated through sieving, filtering and magnetic force.



In Year 5 children will be answering the question, ’What would Jesus do?’ Can we live by the values of Jesus in the twenty-first century? 

They will learn about different aspects of Jesus’ teaching and describe some of his stories. They will explore the impact of Jesus’ teaching on some

Christian charities in the UK today.



Children will be learning how  to talk about different types of food.

They will express their opinions about food the like and dislike. They will progress to discussing different food groups and healthy eating.




Autumn 1




This half term Year 5 will be learning all about the Ancient Greeks. Within the lessons, they will learn about Athens and Sparta, the Olympics, Greek Gods and the legacy that has been left by the Greeks. The children are already thoroughly enjoying this topic.



This year children will focus on a different artist each half term. This half term pupils will explore the artist Andy Warhol and his famous Pop Art. Children will choose a favourite cartoon character and use acrylic paint to create a piece of art in the style of Andy Warhol.



In computing this half term we will be becoming game developers. The pupils will be using a PowerPoint style program in order to design, build and play their own games. They will learn to use hyperlinks to make their game interactive and enable others to play it. 



In RSHE this half term children will be learning about ‘What makes up a person’s identity?” Children will be learning about the similarities and differences between people and how this is relevant in our school and area. They will also be learning about stereotyping and how to challenge stereotypes that they may see or hear.



This half term our topic is forces. The children will learn about the effects of air and water resistance, friction and gravity. They will also learn about other mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears and the effect they have on forces.



In Year 5 children focus on learning about Muslims through the unit, “What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?” They will learn about different aspects of the Islamic faith including, prayer, fasting and the five pillars of Islam.



Children will be learning how  to talk about aspects of school life where they will revise classroom commands, saying the date and classroom objects