Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Year  3  

This year all our classes are named after plants. 

Primrose Class

Miss A Tansey 

Mrs S Pendlebury (TA)


Sweet Pea Class

Mrs Lewney (teacher) and Ms Goodfellow 

Mrs K Osbourne (TA)



Bluebell Class

 Miss A Madden

Miss D Parkin (TA)


Autumn 1



This half term Year 3 will be learning about the Stone age to Iron  Age. Pupils will be taught about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will study why the people living in the Stone Age era were called ‘hunter-gatherers’ and be able to explain in detail their diet, habitat and general life. As well as this, we will  re-create cave paintings using only natural resources. The Bell Beaker people migrated to Britain and brought with them a whole community, we will study their journey and the various artefacts we have found from this particular era.



In art we are continuing to focus on a different artist each half term. Pupils will use the artist Andy Goldsworthy as a stimulus to create a landscape piece of art. Pupils will learn how to overlap materials, how to use collage to create a mood board of ideas and experiment with collage techniques such as tearing, overlapping and layering.



In computing this half term we will be using a computing software called Espresso Coding. This is where children control and change variables within formulas to create a code or app.



In RSHE this half term pupils will be learning about relationships and in particular about ‘how we can be a good friend’. Pupils will learn how to recognise other peoples’ feelings, including loneliness and strategies they can use to include people. They will learn how to build good friendships and manage any problems which may occur within a friendship. Pupils will also learn how to ask for support in a friendship and if someone is making them feel uncomfortable or unhappy.



This half term pupils will be learning about ‘Animals Including Humans’. Pupils will learn to name some of the different bones in the body and the importance of the skeleton. They will also learn the functions of the muscles and how they support the body.



Year 3 children focus on learning about ‘What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?‘ Children will learn how Christians practice their belief and how they show their faith to God.



During their first half term of French, children learn high-frequency language including numbers 0-10, greetings, and some classroom commands for routine conversation.