Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Maths Curriculum



Snapethorpe Primary School is committed to the engaging delivery of Mathematics across the age ranges.  We aim to develop enjoyment of Mathematics and to foster a curiosity for the subject. Our Maths teaching across the school will encompass our school motto, ‘Caring for All, Learning for Life’ and promote our school learning powers, Aspiration; Independence; Engagement; Curiosity and Resilience.

Our aims in teaching Mathematics at Snapethorpe Primary School are:

  • To develop a positive attitude to mathematics, recognising that mathematics can be both useful and enjoyable.
  • To develop confidence in mathematical knowledge.
  • To help all children become fluent in Mathematics, developing a conceptual understanding of different aspects of Mathematics as well as the ability to recall and apply knowledge quickly and accurately.
  • To develop confidence in solving a range of problems and to reason mathematically using mathematical vocabulary.

In order to meet these aims pupils will be encouraged:

  • To make links, ask questions and show curiosity in Maths.
  • To understand and also apply their mathematical knowledge to other curriculum subjects.
  • To work both independently and cooperatively with others demonstrating resilience where needed.
  • To engage with and enjoy learning through practical activity, exploration and collaborative discussion
  • To develop confidence, competence and aspiration ensuring children are proud of their achievements
  • To develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of numbers and the number system
  • To make connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving problems.



We teach Maths using guidance from the White Rose Maths documents throughout school (Year 1 to Year 6) as well as the National Curriculum. Our Long-term Plans are created using support from the yearly overview mapped out by White Rose Maths but are adapted when required to meet the needs of our pupils. In Reception we use Mastering Number for 4 days per week.

Year 1 – Year 6 covers specific units based on the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning 3.0.  The information relating to coverage each term can be found on the long-term planning documents with more detail found on daily teaching slides. Formative assessment and teacher judgement are used throughout lessons and changes made to the teaching/delivery made as a result.

Maths in EYFS aims to develop basic skills which will be built upon in later years.

In Nursery, we use Master the Curriculum to support our long term planning in Maths. There are 3 Maths teaching inputs a week and children complete a focussed activity at least once per week.

In Reception, there is a daily maths lesson including teaching and a focussed activity. In Reception, following teacher input the children will then access enhanced provision within the areas with some opportunities linked to the current learning in Maths. We use Mastering Number 4 days per week in Reception.

Measure, Shape and Spatial Thinking objectives are taken from Development Matters. Each week there is a maths lesson with a teaching and focus activity. The objectives for these lessons are planned out across the academic year. Aspects of Measure, Shape and Spatial Thinking are also continually available in provision.

Areas of provision and enhancements within EYFS support Maths learning ensuring children are able to access this throughout the day to practise and develop skills.


Maths lessons in Year 1 – Year 6

Lessons will usually include examples of varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving opportunities to support children in developing  conceptual understanding of objectives.

A typical Maths lesson is as follows:

  • Start with a direct teaching input relating to fluency. During this input, there will be an element of pupil voice, the focus on the lesson will be shared and key vocabulary will be discussed.
  • Where appropriate, the I do, we do, you do approach will be used.
  • Pupils are then able to progress to completing solo, paired or group “Fluency 5” activities relating to the objective.
  • This will be followed by a further teaching input within the lesson relating to the teaching of problem solving and reasoning linked to the same objective.
  • Pupils will then complete solo, paired or group problem solving / reasoning activities.


During the whole class teaching sessions, pupils have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts as well as developing critical thinking skills, make mathematical connections and become confident mathematicians.  Throughout the lesson, children are encouraged to explain their mathematical thinking.

Although this is a typical maths lesson, flexibility within the lesson allows teachers to meet the needs of groups or individual children, for example, mini plenaries, extended main activities, etc.


Early Bird Maths provides the opportunity for children to: revisit Maths objectives by completing a small number of questions each day (approx 5) independently.

It provides the opportunity for teachers to:

  • address objectives from White Rose Maths QLA each term
  • to recap errors/misconceptions identified in daily Maths lessons.
  • Revisit objectives from previous weeks
  • Address year group specific Maths non negotiables. (See Below)


Early Bird Maths is completed independently each morning in Year 2 – Year 6 for approximately 10 minutes as children enter the classroom at the start of the school day.

Year 6 children tend to do a larger number of questions focusing on arithmetic-style SATs questions.


Non-Negotiables - Each year group has a series of non-negotiables that are objectives from the National Curriculum. These have been organised based on Ready to Progress criteria and Curriculum Prioritisation resources. The purpose is  to help pupils become more secure with basic facts such as number bonds, number facts, multiplication and division knowledge so that children can build on these facts and skills year on year.

Non-negotiables are broken down into 1 objective per half-term so class teachers can focus on these. The vast majority of pupils in each class should be working towards successfully achieving the year group non-negotiables.


Mastering Number - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils complete Mastering Number sessions 4 times per week. The aim of these sessions is to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.



As a result of high quality Maths teaching at Snapethorpe Primary we hope to raise the percentage of pupils attaining at or above expected standard in Maths in each year group ensuring the gap in attainment between PP and NPP children narrows. In Year 2 and Year 6 we aim to raise our school data to be more in line with National. Data analysis throughout the academic year should show that pupils are making progress within the Maths curriculum across each year group.

Link to White Rose Maths Website  

Multiplication tables are taught from Year 2. We use Times Tables Rockstars as a tool to help develop fluency. 


Link to Times Table Rock Stars Website 

National Curriculum Objective Progression Year 1 - Year 6

This document shows the objectives for the different areas of Mathematics and how they progress in each year group. 

To find further information relating to learning in individual year groups, please use the year group tabs on the website homepage.